Large - Note to Self Pad

Click to get Large  Note to Self Pad Item ID: #2880
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Ever had a really important thought that you didn't want to forget? Us too! It happens all the time - a stroke of genius that comes and goes just like that. That's why we carry these Note To Self Pads around with us wherever we go. They make remembering things a breeze and ensure that nobody else will be stealing your brilliant ideas due to their clear label. Now there's a good idea, Note to Self. Collect your Notes as you go and end up with an entire Wall plastered in them. You'll have less of a Note and more of a Scream to Self. You can plan your future, marinate in your past, or create a whole new identity when you've first understood thy self. You are a complicated individual and you're shopping at **We even heard that Steve Jobs really loved his Note to Self Pad so much it inspired the Ipad*

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