Metal Earth - Graf Zeppelin

Click to get Metal Earth  Graf Zeppelin Item ID: #28541
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These amazingly detailed do-it-yourself models start as 4 inch square steel sheets and finish as amazing 3D models. Use the easy to follow instructions to pop out the pieces, bend the tabs, and connect them using tabs and holes.  No glue or solder needed! Was a hydrogen-filled, rigid airship which operated commercially from 1928 to 1937. During that time it made 590 flights and flew more than a million miles. The Zeppelin could achieve a top speed of 80 mph (70 knots) at its maximum thrust of 2,650 horsepower and had a useable payload of 15,000 kg (33,000 lbs). One side of the model is closed and the other side is open the show the inner structure. Includes: 2 Metal SheetsAssembled Size: 4.76"L x 1.38"W x 1.46"H (12.1 x 3.5 x 3.7 cm)Difficulty: ModerateAges: 14+ Click here to see a 360 degree view of the model.    

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