Rejoice, spaghetti lovers! Your pasta prayers have been answered! Thanks to this remarkably pointless new invention, you can now avoid the drudgery of having to twirl your own spaghetti. With the Motor-Powered Self-Twirling Spaghetti Fork, all you have to do is switch it on, jab it into a bowl of pasta, and watch the fork do all the hard work. The Self-Twirling Spaghetti Fork is so well-designed, it works with Linguini, Fetucinni, and Angle Hair Pasta too! Hard to believe, but true nevertheless. The fork operates on two AA batteries (not included) and twirls at 22 revolutions per minute. (According to the Institutei de Parma, this is the optimal speed for spaghetti twirling.) Unfortunately, you still have to lift to fork to your mouth, but they're working on that, too.