Vinderhosen - Lederhosen for Wine

Click to get Vinderhosen  Lederhosen for Wine Item ID: #15602
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It's time to scale the Matterhorn and it's gonna be a tough journey. Once you've made it to the top and been showered with "Wir gratulieren!" (Congratulations) you'll need to give your Lederhosen a rest. Sit back with your travel-mate, your favorite bottle of Wine in it's own Lederhosen. Dressed in your most authentic Swiss-German gear, let out a robust yodel and a swift Schuhplattler dance. Swing your fine Vino around and do a partner switch off. Oh wait, you traveled up the mountain alone with your Wine. Well, wave to your fine-dressed Wine as he plummets to his demise. I hope you bought another pair of Vinderhosen.

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